Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
When I begin this journey of writing I had no idea I would be putting this in a book or print form. I thought I was doing something just to be doing a blog (lol). My reasons for writing were therapeutic than purpose. Little did I know God had ordained the reverse.
When I received the Hidden In the Cleft of the Rock download it was at one of the most challenging times in my life. The things I was writing were more out of faith, than out what I was experiencing in my life at the time. I had NO IDEA that that that one blog entry would get the most hits of all my writings over the 10 years it’s been in existence. Even today, I still receive emails and notes from those who come upon it, writing to speak of how it blessed them. I take no credit – all glory to the Lord from whom it flowed.
However, I must say, that IT is the reason that I am writing this preface today. IT is the reason I am functional in full-time ministry. IT is the reason that I am praying, laying hands, prophesying, preaching, and teaching. IT is the reason that I continue to press past by insecurities and inhibitions everyday (yes, they still rear their heads). IT and because a LOVING FATHER who, out of His love & patience for me, CHOSE to place me in the CLEFT of the ROCK (Jesus Christ), so that I can get a GLIMPSE of His Glory, is the reason I am.